One FB user was able to perfectly sum up how FB prioritizes content moderation on their platform.
Men Are Pigs vs Women Are Pigs
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sooo I literallyjust got banned for a sarcastic comment made on a comment. He was explaining to someone why men have nipples even though they don’t breastfeed. I sarcastically said: so men are mutants lol they literally cut off part of my comment too!! I can’t prove that part but I do have a screen shot of the excerpt facebook sent me. I will definitely be spreading word about this. What if all women for a day made it their status?? How their fragile little egos would explode with their heads.
I just got banned for 24 hours for reposting a screenshot, which had already been flagged, in which “Men are pigs” was stated — even though it was a screenshot of a joke by a comedian on Twitter who quite obviously did *not* think men are pigs.